Wednesday, October 18, 2006

300 million of my closest friends

I was watching the Today Show (what's with the new set design? It looks like a womb.) when it was announced that our population hit 300,000,000. And people cheered!!! It made me want to toss my toasted wheat cereal (generic for Chex). Why are we celebrating overpopulation? Will we cheer when there are 600,000,000 Americans and we're beating each other with sticks because we've developed all of our land and there's no food left besides Lunchables?
There's a net gain of our more person every 11 seconds. That's a lot of Gerber babies.

I found it ironic that this "milestone" was covered in the evening news, right next to a report about how wild horses are being thinned out because they don't have enough land to support the herd. Maybe if we didn't have 300,000,000 people building their McMansions, which they of course drive to in their hulking SUVs (hey, gas has gone down to $2.27...I'm sure it's sustainable! Let's buy an SUV!), the horses might have more than 10 acres of land.


At 12:10 PM, Blogger DB said...

I heard a story on NPR yesterday (unfortunately, I can't find the stinking link) about the wasteful nature of the human race and how scientists have estimated that by 2050 we will be using the natural resources of 2.5 planets the size of earth.

It was a disturbing factoid.

Makes me want to go home and evaluate our resource usage, again.


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