Monday, August 06, 2007

Composting for Jesus

On Sunday I built (I'm using that term loosely) a compost bin. After seeing the prices for new compost bins, I figured it'd be way cheaper just to build my own out of pallets. Plus, it's probably more environmentally friendly to recycle used pallets than to buy a new plastic compost bin.
Getting pallets is fairly easy, provided you have a vehicle in which to transport them. Most any business that has a loading dock will be happy to let you take away their old pallets (I'd recommend asking first, if you don't want to end up in the newspaper's "Police Blotter" section).

I used eight corner brackets, which cost about $5 for the lot. All that was needed for tools was a cordless drill. I also used a reciprocating saw; this was not actually necessary -- it came with my circular saw, and I hadn't had a chance to use it yet.

Anyway, assembling the bin took about 1/2 hour, and probably another 1/2 hour or so was spent clearing out overgrowth in the area I wanted to put the bin. I will be the first to admit that it isn't what one might call "pretty," but it is functional and mostly out of sight. If everyone who went to church on Sunday (in the interest of full disclosure, I did not go to church on Sunay; I prefer to express my spirituality on Saturdays at Home Depot, generally in the plumbing aisle) came home and built a compost bin, the world would be a better place.


At 10:39 AM, Blogger Angel said...

Now that it's built, tell me how it works. I want to compost myself but need it to be easy. I am new to the entire idea of composting. My friends do it and just told me about it recently. They said the key is "turning" it a few times a week. Do you do that?

At 9:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sarah, you amaze me. You can make anything out of anything ( kind of like Macgyver)
I would have never thought to make a compost bin out of wooden pallets :-)
Speaking of making haven't mentioned anything about your handmade switchplates in quite awhile. Have you made any more of them?


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