Saturday, August 04, 2007

Flippin' Out

We live in a society, people. A SOCIETY!

I was driving home from work the other day, and stopped at a stop sign. Shocking, I know. As I waited for the traffic on the main road to pass so that I could turn right, a red truck approached from the opposite direction. I have recreated the scene for you:

Since (a) I was at the intersection first and (b) I was taking a right and Mr. Red Truck was taking a left, I clearly had right of way. However, this information was of little importance to Mr. RT, who, when I started to turn right, proceeded to pull out in front of me. Not only did he cut me off, but the big-haired hoochie in the passenger seat flipped me off! She even went so far as to extend her arm out the window of the truck, just to ensure that I got a good look at her middle finger.

I was kind of hoping that Mr. RT's tire would blow out as some sort of retribution for ignoring basic rules of driving. Either that, or a giant winged creature (see illustration) could come down from the sky and pluck he and his lady friend up in their jerk-mobile. I would have been satisfied with either occurence.


At 7:35 AM, Blogger Terri said...

that would be incredibly awesome to have a scary winged "on call" creature to come out at your will and attack jerk drivers that commit awful traffic violations against us! Sweet idea.

At 9:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I see this all the time with those nice people waving at you with three fingers missing or at least all I see is one finger sticking up. Hummmmm... Just how safe is it to be on the road with all of these people missing three fingers ?


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