Monday, March 26, 2007

The Monday of My Discontent

Today I went on the stairmaster for 15 minutes, which on the Fat Burner Plus setting, is about enough time to climb nearly a mile worth of stairs. After that I wipe down my machine, and survey the exercise bike situation. This beefy sweaty guy gets off one of the machines, and just walks off! He has big sweat rings all over the place, and does not wipe down his machine. Okay, maybe he's just going to get a drink of water. No, he is not. He just walks out of the gym, never to return again. So today I became the crazy woman who wipes down the machines before she gets on them. And after, of course. I'm not an animal.

I had a quick bite to eat, and then off to a meeting. Since I called the meeting, I got to the room early, cleaned off the whiteboard, and proceeded to write down the agenda (one of my pet peeves is a meeting with no agenda). Most people arrived on time, which I appreciated. However, it was like pulling teeth to get people to commit to anything. Maybe we just had really non-decisive stuff to discuss. Or maybe we all had a case of the Mondays.


At 8:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am the machine cleaning nazi in my gym as well. Usually I am the only female with a bunch of old farts killing time before their golf tee time. But these dudes don't ever EVER wipe done & it drives me nuts. I have started being super bitchy and walking up to guys after they get off the eliptical and saying, "are you done with that?" & I just happen to have teh spray bottle of green stuff that cleans things off.

gym assholes are the worst.

At 10:14 AM, Blogger beans said...

you know, i have been failry good at turning off my OCD at the gym . . .I think becasue I know I go right home and shower-but those visuals might just be enough to drive me over the edge . . .


We have a guy who exercises sho hard that his sweat SPRAYS . . though he is usually very good at drowing the whole machine in the green stuff . . .

BTW-did you hear about the gym owner somewhere who wanted to open his gym up for nudists . . .that was the talk of the radios for a few weeks!!

Happy Tuesday-hope it was better than Monday!


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