Tuesday, March 06, 2007

I'm such a jock.

Before you know it, my neck will be as wide as my head! What a jock I am, indeed.

So, last week I had my annual doctor's appointment. My doctor noticed a little rash that had just popped up that very morning (I get so many rashes, it's really hard to keep track; maybe a rash-o-meter would help). She recommended that I get some Lotrimin, as the rash "looked angry." I made a mental note to blame the gross people at the gym who don't wipe off the equipment when they're done.

Today I stopped by Rite-Aid to pick up some Lotrimin. Imagine my horror when I saw this:
Note how your eyes are drawn in by the arrows. How could you possibly ignore the pulsating nether regions? Oh how delighted I was to bring this package up to the counter. Do I have jock itch on my arm? "Does this really cure jock itch?" I wanted to ask the cashier, "because I've got a hell of an itch!"

To add to my joy, it is about 8 degrees outside. I did not want to leave my JOCK ITCH CREAM in the truck all day, as I worried that it would freeze, and then separate when it thawed. Isn't it good that I think about these things? Anyway, I didn't want to leave it out in the arctic tundra all day, so I brought it in to work with me. I have this fear that I'll have to go get something out of my bag, and my JOCK ITCH CREAM will fall out, for all to see.


At 2:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you take it out of the package? You could then put it in your pocket to keep it safe and warm...

At 9:36 AM, Blogger Jamie said...


At 7:55 AM, Blogger Angel said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 12:47 PM, Blogger Angel said...

I got your comment but don't have an email addy for you.

However... THANK YOU FOR NOT HATING ME! I did bitch-slap myself this morning after the debacle, so maybe that will help.

You are a riot and I already added you to my bloglines feed and to my blog as well. Thanks for being so understanding. I wish I could say this will be the last time I'll ever make a fool of myself, but it won't be.

Sarah, I heart you. You are awesome. And for the record, I think Brooke is awesome too, for cleaning out your bagless vac and all. I just bought a bagless vac and wish I would have read this post first. Now I'm the one emptying out the dusty canister and banging the filter on my railing outside.

At 8:58 AM, Blogger Hope said...

If it makes you feel better (or worse...), I've been smearing the same stuff on my knockers because I have thrush. I'm not proud, but it is working...


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