Sunday, March 04, 2007

Photo Friday: Favorite Cleaning Product

We have 3 cats and 2 dogs, so I do a lot of vacuuming. A few years back, we got one of those bagless Eureka filter vacs, thinking that bagless was good. Boy were we wrong. Most of the time I end up using an old Electrolux upright vac (with an easy-to-change bag), which used to be my grandmother's.

What's wrong with bagless vacs, you ask? They are new and shiny, so they must be sent straight from heaven, right? Wrong. They came to us from the depths of hell. You see, with my allergies, trying to empty the canister is bad news, so Brooke usually ends up doing it. She has to empty the canister. But wait, that's not all! She also had to pick the dust and crap off the filter. Apparently to get it all off, she goes to the edge of the property and bangs the filter against a tree. I did not know this, until recently.

I spotted footsteps leading from the woods (where she bangs the filter on a tree) to our trashcan (where she dumps the canister), and I was convinced that someone was coming from the woods to go through our trashcans in an attempt to steal our identity. I even called the local Sheriff's office (we don't got no po-lice here) to see if anyone else had reported footprints (it had just snowed) from the woods to their trashcans. I called Brooke at work to alert her to the situation. She was sufficiently freaked out until she remembered that it was HER footprints leading from the woods to our trashcan.

So you see, the moral of the story is that bagless vacs are bad news.


At 3:29 PM, Blogger DB said...

I wondered about the other types of bagless vacs. I got sucked into a committment with a Tri-Star several years ago (ex had to have it). It isn't bagless, but was sold as such.

What it does has is a fabric bag. I used to spend a lot of time beating that thing against trees.

Sinus infection after sinus infection ensued.

After I ruined the bag in the washing machine and called the company to replace it, they told me they had "come out" with disposable bags. We use those now, but I still hate the thing.


At 4:25 PM, Blogger Jamie said...

Ha ha ha always make me laugh. Glad you didn't have an identity stalker. I know, I hate my bagless and went back to the ancient one in the closet, too.


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