Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Don Imus-t be an idiot

So, you've heard the ruckus about Don Imus' recent comments. I like how he said that he's not a racist. This is just another example of why people don't get to say whether or not their a racist -- their words and actions decide that.

Will Imus be the next in what is becoming a long line of celebrities whisked away to "rehab" (read: mudbath, followed by a Swedish massage; perhaps you can just exfolliate out the ignorance) for racist or homophobic comments? Or, were his ratings low, and this little outburst merely a ploy to boost listenership?

My coworker had an excellent suggestion. Don Imus should be fined heavily. The money from the fine should then go to fund a Rutgers women's basketball scholarship. I bet that's money better spent than on a spa retreat. Oops, I mean rehab.


At 8:47 AM, Blogger Terri said...

Agree totally with your assessment! Imus is an idiot and if this brings his shock jock show more listeners I will be sorely disappointed, but that is the way it goes unfortunately.


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