Thursday, March 29, 2007


I can't believe I'm writing a post about American Idol. I'm not a regular viewer, but I have tuned in a couple times, perhaps driven by sheer curiosity as to how Sanjaya is still on the show. Man, if I knew about the ponyhawk in high school, the hair landscape of Lisbon Falls would have been much, much different. But I digress.

On Tuesday, Brooke and I watched American Idol. I explained (as if I am some sort of American Idol tour guide) how Sanjaya really wasn't a good singer, and that he was hanging on by hair alone. Brooke thought I said Jambalaya, so now that is what we call him. Anyway, we had a reasonable enough time making fun of the judges. Could Randy complete a sentence without using the word "dog"? Could Paula, in what appeared to be a drug-induced haze, finish a sentence? Would Simon call me directly on my mobile? Will the Rebuplicans fire the judges because they're not promoting the party's agenda? America needs to know!

The small shred of dignity I was holding onto was based on the fact that while I do admit to watching the show one or two times, I didn't vote. But then I felt like Bill Clinton. You know, Mr. "I tried marijuana, but I didn't inhale." Who the hell tries marijuana and doesn't inhale? I really trusted him less after that. That reminds me... who's voting for Hilary?

Once again, I digress.


At 11:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are so right..
I cannot believe that Sanjaya is still there
( did you see the show the week before last where they caught a little girl on camera crying hystericlly while he was preforming? seemed staged to me)
Heck....if he can make it into the top 12...maybe I have a chance after all!!!Hooray!!!! Whoever said that singing in the shower couldn't get you on American Idol was sooooo wrong!

At 11:28 AM, Blogger Jamie said...

You, Girl, are funny----I don't know what business you're in, but you might consider stand up comedy---okay, so maybe just on the weekends.It's worth a shot--- Thanks for the great posts!

At 11:31 AM, Blogger Sarah said...

Well, I work in IT, which I guess is sort of comical. It's more like sit-down comedy.

Anyway, glad to keep folks entertained!


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