Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Michael Richards: If I Only Had a Brain

So, I was driving into work this morning, listening to "Eye of the Tiger," and thought, "Boy, that Michael Richards sure is a doofus, and not in a fun-loving sort of way."

You have perhaps heard that Mr. Richards spewed forth racist comments after being heckled during his stand-up act. A real comedian would have said something funny and clever. Instead, Michael Richards said something hateful.

Richards later apologized, stating adamantly that he is not a racist. That left me to think (danger! Danger!). I don't think that a person can state with any authority whether or not they are racist. Their words and actions make that determination. So often, after someone says or does something racist, they try to wash it down by saying "but I'm not a racist." Methinks the mister doth protest too much.


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